Season: varies year to year
Bag Limit: 1
Min Size: 99 in Fork length
Max Size: none

Other names include Billfish, Ocean Gar, and Ocean Guard. Blue Marlin can grow to be over 12 ft long and weigh up to 2,000 lbs, with the average being 11 ft long and weighing between 200-400 lbs. These are among some of the fastest fish in the Gulf, reaching speeds up to 68 mph. They use their spears to slash through dense schools of fish, returning to eat their stunned and wounded prey. In the Gulf waters around Orange Beach, the Blue Marlin season is typically open from May 1 to November 30, with peak fishing occurring from June to September. Please keep in mind that the season can vary from year to year; However, there is no maximum size limit. Blue Marlin, also known as kajiki, has a mild flavor and firm texture similar to steak. Some compare it to tuna, but more intense. Ask Captain Chip Day for his recommendations on cooking or even his favorite restaurants that offer hook n’ cook.